Unearthing Your Hidden Beliefs

A Taste of Alchemy

Our new 4-week course, The Alchemy of Core Beliefs: Unearthing Your Hidden Framework, starts June 1st!

Unearthing Your Hidden Beliefs
by Starcat

Look outside at the beauty of Nature all around you. Peer out the window, or step outside for a few deep breaths. Go ahead, do it, I’ll wait.

Can you see the amazing growth that’s happening everywhere? It’s especially evident in the springtime, when grass and flowers and leaves all burst forth in a delightful show. At our place, more flowers are opening nearly every day!

But growth is happening constantly, everywhere – and that includes in you. Not just your cells replenishing themselves constantly, though that’s an amazing ongoing dance. I’m talking about the personal expansion that happens as your spirit learns and grows through being involved in your unique daily life.

Personal growth is a main passion of ours here at Feline Dreamers, as you can probably tell! Between the two of us, BlackLion and I can often be found meditating, reading, studying, writing, doing yoga, and chatting about spirituality. We enjoy journal writing, listening to the Abraham-Hicks Vortex guided meditations, reading books by Mike Dooley, Eckhart Tolle, or Danielle LaPorte, creating inspiring quotes, and sharing our dreams and their potential meanings with one another. Focusing on your connection to the Divine, and taking time to regularly practice gratitude or meditation or whatever floats your boat, is the best way to ramp up your spiritual growth.

So, if growth is an ongoing process, and spiritual practice is the way to encourage it, what about those recurring challenges? Do you get those, or is it just me?

It seems like each of us has a particular area of life (or maybe two or three) where we just seem to struggle. You might have trouble finding a romantic partner, or keep having to move when you’d rather be settled in one place, or have ongoing body image issues. You might feel like you’ve got your problem area all solved, and then another aspect of it is revealed. Yikes!

One of the reasons certain things can keep coming back around is that you’ve absorbed a belief, usually during childhood or young adulthood, that no longer resonates with your way of being. Core beliefs run deep, and can lie hidden in plain sight. Or they can be buried deep underground.

Sometimes your growth in one or more areas can be stunted, all due to a belief that no longer serves you. You don’t even think about it consciously, but it’s still down there in your psyche, composing some crucial part of the foundation of your belief structure, lurking below to drag you back into your old patterns again.

Over the past several years, we’ve been working with our core beliefs, developing tools to excavate them, polish up the ones that we wish to keep, and tear down the ones that keep us stuck. We’d like to share these tools with you.

BlackLion and I have developed a 4-week online course, The Alchemy of Core Beliefs: Unearthing Your Hidden Framework. It begins on Monday, June 1st. Won’t you join us?

Unearthing your core beliefs is a hugely rewarding process. The course will include daily emails and guided meditations, exercises you can do to explore your own depths, and group support via a secret Facebook group. Over the course of the month, you’ll learn valuable techniques that will help you renovate your core beliefs and lift you out of your stuck places.

Before you know it, your spiritual growth will be flourishing like the gardens all around us.


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