Stepping Mindfully Into 2018

Conventional wisdom about entering a new year says we’re supposed to party our hearts out, then immediately rein ourselves in with New Year’s resolutions and big goals. Hit the ground running, we’re advised, and plow through any obstacles in your path.

I don’t know about you, but that just doesn’t appeal to me anymore.

At this time of year, a bit of hibernation calls to me. I prefer to take my time with the transition to a new year, to cozy in and dream up some fun and delightful adventures. It feels good to take some down time to reflect on the year just past, then turn my attention to what I wish to bring forth in the year to come. When you begin a new cycle mindfully, by setting intentions and then taking inspired actions toward them, you’ll soon find that your most cherished dreams are coming true.

Winter is the perfect time for some deep inner reflection. To do this, all you really need is yourself and some quiet time, and perhaps a journal and pen. Take an evening or part of a weekend day and snuggle up in your favorite comfy spot. If you don’t have a quiet place at home, take yourself out to a coffee shop or cozy cafe and order a hot beverage.

Think about 2017 and the joys, challenges and lessons it brought to you. What wisdom have you gleaned? How can you bring it forward into your daily life? Now, set some big intentions for 2018. What would you like to experience? do? feel? learn? be? Who would you like to share it with?

Dream big. Write down what you uncover. Follow your own trail, letting your intuition guide you to your deepest desires.

I like to use self-help tools to help me access my deepest truth. These workbooks are fun to play with, and many of them cost nothing. They contain inspiring quotes and intriguing questions that will help you go deeper and deeper, revealing hidden treasures within your soul. Here’s my list of favorites – if you have others that you love, please feel free to share them!

Word of the Year. By now you’ve probably heard about the idea of choosing a word to guide you through the coming months. I’m still mulling over my 2018 word. Christine Kane has a Word of the Year worksheet that will lead you through the process. Susannah Conway is offering a free mini-e-course if you need further assistance.

Unravelling the Year Ahead. Speaking of Susannah Conway, she offers this fantastic workbook that will get you all set up for a purpose-filled 2018. It’s an annual tradition, one that I treasure.

Vision Boards. Making a vision board is a terrific way to bring your goals forward in your daily awareness, and it’s a whole lot of fun, too. I forget where I first learned about vision boards, but there are tons of inspiring resources out there if you need further inspiration. I make two or three of them each year, and the one I create as the new year begins usually incorporates my Word of the Year.

Goddess Wheel of the Year with Kimberly Moore. Goddess Wheel of the Year is one part Goddess consultation and reading and second part online course for you to weave the Holydays of Goddess every month into your personal practice.

The Year-End Ritual. Author Sarah Susanka has a detailed year-end process that I’ve also enjoyed working with each year. It’s quite powerful. I also recommend reading the book it appears in, The Not So Big Life: Making Room for What Really Matters.

Create Your Shining Year. Another inspiring resource is Leonie Dawson’s life and business planner. Note, it’s not a planner in the sense of day planner or calendar. Rather, it’s a workbook that will help you not only discover your goals but take the necessary steps to make them happen. It’s fantastic.

Whichever methods you choose for reflecting on your goals and dreams, taking this time to focus on your inner wisdom is infinitely worthwhile. When you listen deep within, you encourage your inner wisdom to shine forth. As you move forward mindfully into the new year, remember to take regular intervals for deep inner reflection.

Making time to tap into your inner wisdom will help you live more joyfully and purposefully. Welcome it into your daily life!

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