Quarantine or Artist Residency? You Get to Choose!

What If Quarantine = Artist Residency?

Things have officially gotten weird out there. Living in a time of uncertainty can be super stressful – and yet it’s also bad for your immune system to live in a state of stress 24/7.

What if I told you that you have something within you that can help you get motivated, stay focused, and soothe your fears?

You do – it’s your creativity.

Creativity helps you focus on the present moment and release your anxiety about the future. It’s an outlet for wild emotions. It’s a way to access the intuitive part of you that holds deep wisdom, for you and for all of us.

So let’s reframe things. Look at yourself as an artist in residence, learning more about her craft, practicing her creative mojo.

Introducing: Parallel PlayDates for Writers & Other Creatives

Let’s do this, together. Beginning on Friday, April 3rd, at 7pm Eastern, I’m hosting a series of 8 weekly virtual sessions called Parallel PlayDates

Parallel Play is when toddlers play side by side, but are pretty much doing their own thing. Have you seen this? It’s super adorable – and they are learning and getting inspired as they sneak little sideways glances at what the other kiddos are up to. 

While our sessions are for adults, we’ll play together, doing our own creative thing in (virtual) community space, letting our inner children play freely. 

How It Works

I’ll set the space at the beginning of each session with a guided meditation that helps you get grounded and aligned, so you can put your fears aside for a time. There will be a prompt to help you enter into the creative zone.

Then we’ll create together in our virtual Zoom room, keeping the text chat going for inspiring side conversations. At the end of the call, we’ll check in with one another to see how it went. 

You can work on whatever type of creative project or learning lights you up. 

You’ll Walk Away With:

More motivation and focus.

A sense of calm and flow.

Tools and tips for making time to create regularly. 

Connection and inspiration from fellow creatives. 

Homework assignments – let’s call them Quests! – to keep you inspired between calls. 

How to Join the PlayDates

The cost is $9 per session, or just $59 if you sign up for the whole 8-week series. If you have the time and passion to participate but you’re in financial difficulty, message me and we’ll make it happen.

The Parallel PlayDates series is free for my current clients and retreat attendees.

To join, PayPal me at starcatdreamer at gmail dot com or use Venmo to @Nikki-Shields-11 and I’ll send you the Zoom call details!

Questions? You can email me at the same address. Big blessings to you and yours!

One thought on “Quarantine or Artist Residency? You Get to Choose!

  1. I heard about these through Raphaella Vaisseau on etsy, after she shipped me a donation. Could I join?

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