PawedCats Podcast Ep. 606: Surf the Waves of Source

In this episode, we’ll chat with Book Midwife and lovely Feline Dreamer Nikki Starcat Shields about establishing a creative practice in your life and how to tell your unique story. Plus, we’ll delve into the secrets of how to surf the waves of Source and tap into your true, authentic self and your deepest potential.

The PawedCats Podcast is a regular dose of good cheer, spiritual insights, and ways to live a more soulful life.

More about Nikki:

Nikki Starcat Shields is an author, licensed Pagan priestess, and book midwife from Maine. She is the co-founder of Feline Dreamers, where spirituality powers your daily life. Nikki has had four non-fiction books published so far, and is currently writing an urban fantasy series. She would love to help you give birth to your heart-centered book, whether it’s memoir, fiction, or self-help. Nikki specializes in bringing your unique voice – your expertise, your passions, your most cherished stories – to the page in a way that will engage and delight your readers. Nikki offers everything from mentoring to developmental editing to proofreading to formatting and beyond.

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