PawedCats Podcast Ep. 605: Showing Up Deeply in Your Truth

Joining us for a juicy conversation is Nova Om of Nova Om – Whole Life Transformation. You’ll discover the power of self-love and honoring who you are, even in the midst of uncomfortable moments. Also, a spring Faerie Tidings to help ring in the new season, with a hint of maple.

The PawedCats Podcast is a regular dose of good cheer, spiritual insights, and ways to live a more soulful life.

More about Nova:

I devote myself to experiencing my life as a sacred practice and gathering divine guidance from all sources as an offering to your soulful journey.

My great-grandmother had what she called the Knowing. I was raised with a mama who was well-versed in this, and so looking inward for answers has always been my guide. Not to say that I was always able to hear the answers – it was another journey to learn that I required silence to hear, and how to attain that silence. Which is why I’m excited to share my journey with you, in hopes that it helps you find your own inner guidance, especially in times of worry or doubt.

I offer myself to the world by re-empowering sisters and brothers with divine clarity and sacred guidance on issues that are weighing heavy on their hearts, their minds, their lives, through a mystical and practical hybrid I call Shamanic Life Consulting, where I combine my divine personal background with my professional psychology background to offer my clients a real treat.

My website and this Facebook page are where I offer all that I can conjure from my soul and my life, to help you find your own divine guidance, and to give you access to working with me when you feel drawn toward it. I hope you enjoy what you find here, and I always welcome connecting personally. Please join me in discussions via comments or message me if you need privacy. I look forward to connecting with you and contributing to your journeywork.


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