PawedCats Podcast Ep. 604: Body, Mind, and Soul Integration

Our guest this episode is Christina Wester of Radiant Living & Learning. Join us for this fascinating discussion of energy psychology, how to release subconscious programming from early childhood, and the role of your body in transforming your life. Christina talks about how to create new habits of thought and belief, with body-based techniques that support more traditional practices. We’ll also share a creepy cool Dream of the Week.

The PawedCats Podcast is a regular dose of good cheer, spiritual insights, and ways to live a more soulful life.

More about Christina:

Christina Wester is an unschooling mama of three. Her life purpose is empowering others to hear & follow their “Inner Voice of Wisdom” – which began with learning to hear & follow her own. She is passionate about trusting children with the freedom to play and learn by following their interests & their own Inner Wisdom.

In 2009 Christina was presented with her most challenging opportunity yet for learning to trust her children and trust herself. Her middle child was diagnosed with “severe” Autism and so began her process of learning how to support his extra needs, communicate with him and practice radical acceptance. This continues to be the most surreal, powerful and awe-inspiring experience of her life. It informs ALL areas of her life and has pushed her onto a “fast track” of shedding limiting beliefs, fears and doubts.

As bumpy as this process has been, it has allowed her to enjoy previously unimaginable levels of freedom, connection and creativity. Christina spends her days ‘learning all the time’ alongside her five soul-mates: her children, her husband Peter and her ex-husband Dave.

In 2013 she created Radiant Living & Learning, which presents learning opportunities on alternatives in education, alternatives in parenting and alternatives in physical, mental & spiritual healthcare. When she’s not supporting her kids in their interests, Christina works with individuals and groups on changing their limiting beliefs and removing their subconscious blocks to creating the lives they WANT to live.

Her newest project is an online portal for personal transformation and healing: The Art of Conscious Creation


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