PawedCats Podcast Ep. 509: Healing your Ancestral Line

As we enter the depths of Autumn, the veils between the worlds become thin. We are closer than ever to our beloved dead and all of our ancestors. What does this mean for you? Join us as we welcome Jennifer Moore of Modern Medicine Lady. She’ll share her wisdom about honoring your ancestors, healing ancestral wounds, forgiveness, and more. Jen also has a special bonus for you, and we’ll share a media review of a book for the creative in all of us.

The PawedCats Podcast is a regular dose of good cheer, spiritual insights, and ways to live a more soulful life.

More about Jennifer:

Rev. Jennifer Elizabeth Moore is the Modern Medicine Lady. She helps Empathic Women control their abilities & soothe overwhelm. She teaches them to recognize how being sensitive impacts their life & the way they conduct business. She supports these women to release stuck patterns & blocks to success so they can stand out & thrive.

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