Our Life Rocks!

Last week we took a day-trip to the Life Rocks! Radical Unschooling Conference in North Conway, New Hampshire. This was our third year at the conference. We could only go for one day this time around, but wow, it was a day full of fun! We arrived around mid-morning, where we were reminded that Life Rocks! It really does. 1liferocks The conference was held at a new venue this year, the Fox Ridge Resort – a stone’s throw away from the previous location. The view of the White Mountains from the top of the ridge was gorgeous! 2setting Lots of green outdoor space to run around, indoor and outdoor pools to splash in, and a mini-golf with our own golf cart! ;) 3golfcart Kids of all ages joined in the activities going on, including tug-of-war and nerf battle vs. zombies (no zombies were harmed in the making of this game). 4zombienerfwar After which some of us cooled off in the pool. The bright sunny skies and warm breeze were spectacular! 5pool We reconnected with friends we knew, and made some new ones along the way. 6elventiger For lunch, we visited our friend Christina’s Here Comes the Sun Vegan Bus… 7bus1 8bus2 Well, actually, we ate at the booth with the delicious food (the bus was in the parking lot). We shared a cookies-and-creme raw vegan smoothie, a vegan reuben sandwich, and a raw Mexican salad. Yum! 9veganbusbooth After lunch, we joined the crew in the sun room to cut out images and thoughtful sayings to add to our new vision boards. 10visionboards ElvenTiger shared her hula hooping talents (among others) and hung out with her teen tribe. 11teens At the back tent, BlackLion played ukulele with a few young ukulele enthusiasts while Starcat chatted with some cool Moms. 12ukes We also shared some of our wares with awesome folks, and now our positive bumper stickers will be travelling around on the back of the Here Comes the Sun Vegan Bus! (The photo below is by Joe Martin Photography. He rocks! Visit his website!) 13wares Then it was time for the keynote speech by Dr. Peter Gray. He shared the results of a new survey of grown unschoolers and how well they are doing after their unschooling experience. His talk was fascinating and full of inspiration. 14keynote Sunset arrived, the moon was out, and we realized our day was nearly done. 15sunset Yet there was one more event – fire spinning!!! All 3 of the photos below are by Joe Martin Photography. As we mentioned, he rocks, and you should check out his other fantastic photos. ElvenTiger had her LED poi out before it was fully dark. 16poi1 She and a friend did a fire-spinning demo… 17poi2 Including some impressive tricks! 18poi3 And then everyone who wished to got to try fire spinning for themselves. We loved to drum for all the spinners. Alas, it was time to go home. Some friends had invited ElvenTiger to stay for the final day of the conference, so we left her with her tribe and headed back home. Another successful Feline Dreamers adventure! Blessings and Life Rocks!

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