Holding Sacred Space

Holding Sacred Space
by BlackLion

When we find ourselves in a stressful situation, it can be challenging to acknowledge our own sacred spirit, let alone anyone else’s. Stress can cause all sorts of challenges in our lives. We may be abrupt with our loved ones, unkind to strangers, or focused on the worst aspects of the world. Releasing this energy is a matter of practice and perseverance.

To hold the world sacred in your own eyes, go to a space where you are filled with reverence, whether out in nature, in your room, or at a holy site. Create an opportunity for your conscious mind to connect with your eternal loving spirit. Silent meditation, quiet reflection, and yoga asanas are some ways to help bring you into a state of connection with the divine.

You are a beautiful being just as you are right now. Recognizing your own divinity and honoring the world and beings around you allows your day-to-day life to be infused with the sacred. Holding this uplifting energy wherever you go can only uplift others. Those who resonate with this sacred energy will be drawn to you while others will find themselves in other places.

When you are in a sacred state, you will see the world as it truly is, brilliant, alive, vibrant, and loving. Solutions to life’s challenges will be more readily available when you recognize the divinity in all things. Serendipitous events will transpire more often as you remain open to the grace and love of the world. Hold sacred space in your life and share your amazing gifts with those around you.

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