How to Find Bounty within Tragedy

As of this writing, we lost our beloved thirteen year old canine friend Star this morning. She was declining rapidly this past week. We shared some family and friend time with her as she napped in the sunshine, surrounded by loved ones. Star had a full life and was loved by everyone who met her. She was kind, gentle, and always happy to see you.

Now, in the midst of our family’s loss, there is also a lot of bounty. The form it takes, in this case, is the love, support and condolences from all our family and friends. During a time when we lost someone dear to us, even more love has come flowing to our family. We are so thankful for this support!

Without the support of countless donations and humanitarian efforts, there would be perhaps little to be thankful for in the midst of all manner of tragedies like hurricanes, wildfires, famine, earthquakes, wars, etc. When big things happen, people step up to help one another, and there is much love and gratitude.

Why do we human beings seem to wait until tragedy strikes to appreciate all the love and support that’s in our life already?

Good question. Maybe we take for granted that our loved ones will always be there, like a staple in our lives. Perhaps we’re just accustomed to their presence and only in their absence do we feel the ache in our heart.

You don’t have to live this way, waiting only for the bad stuff in order to appreciate the good stuff. Perhaps by seeing the bounty that is ALWAYS present in your life, you’d more easily recognize that you are already divinely blessed. Wouldn’t it be great to feel that beautiful bounty of love, friendship, kindness, community, nature, etc. in every moment?

That’s why it is SO vital to stay tapped into your connection with your Source. When you cultivate a regular practice that keeps you vibed up with all that is great in your life, you’re more likely to be able to see the bounty in everyone and everything. When you are deep in appreciation for what is going right in your world, even the contrast of tragedy can be seen with the light of love.

If you are feeling sad, or worried, or fearful for your loved ones, you are honestly doing a disservice to them. Of course you get to feel sad or scared, but wallowing in that feeling will taint how you see the world and your loved ones. You’ll take for granted the blessings that are always bountifully present in your life.

We say this in the most loving, compassionate way possible: Quit that shit.

P.S. Ready to transform your old patterns?

When you’ve finished with the Alchemy of Core Beliefs Anytime self-directed course, you’ve released your worn-out old beliefs, enhanced your best qualities that make you who you are, and changed how you’re created your new miraculous future. Plus, you get to do it on your own terms, at your own pace.

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