Episode 512: Winter Goddesses

On this Winter Solstice edition of the PawedCats Podcast, Kimberly Moore of The MotherHouse of the Goddess and The Mystery School of the Goddess talks about the Goddesses of Winter and simple practices to connect with their empowering energies this season. The discussion includes power words, the comforts of hygge, and Goddess oracle readings. Learn more about how “Goddess meets us wherever we are,” as Kimberly puts it, and discover winter practices you can do to empower your New Year! Starcat also has an exciting announcement to share, on the topic of creativity. Listen now!

The PawedCats Podcast is a regular dose of good cheer, spiritual insights, and ways to live a more soulful life.

One thought on “Episode 512: Winter Goddesses

  1. Pingback: Astrology 2018, Goddesses of Winter, and Blessings of the Solstice

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