Achieving and Maintaining Self-Mastery

Mountain View
Photo by Nikki Starcat Shields

Achieving and Maintaining Self-Mastery
by Brent BlackLion Nelson

Self-mastery is a topic that has come up in my experience recently. What does it mean for me to be self-aware and master who I am? Does it involve being completely in control of myself at all times? Does it mean the same for each of us? How do I know I have achieved self-mastery?

A couple factors are involved with self-mastery as I understand it. Firstly, self-mastery is the state of being in which you are aware of who you are in the present moment and you are connected to your inner guidance. The control I speak of is not about the power-over authoritative style of control, instead it is an empowered state of being. Self-awareness is integral to self-mastery.

You have a toolset of techniques that, when an unexpected or contrasting situation arises into your experience, help you accept it for what it is right now and maintain your grace. We each fluctuate in our energy field and our focus changes from moment to moment, yet a continuum of connection pervades our life that allows us to go with the flow.

We each are unique and have different ways of achieving and maintaining self-mastery. Whether you choose meditation, mindfulness, working out, or sharing your story with friends, you will find your own way to self-mastery. Perhaps you have experienced many ups and downs in life. The ebb and flow of the universe is a natural progression up the spiral of enlightenment. Self-mastery means that you return again and again to your natural state of beauty.

To truly achieve and maintain self-mastery, you need to dance with your shadow. In other words, your journey includes acknowledgement of all your past hurts and regrets as well as your dreams and desires, balanced in acceptance and the light of understanding. Journey deep within yourself and discover who you truly are on every level. With this continuous practice, you will be able to maintain your elegant life experience and achieve the state of self-awareness essential to self-mastery.

If you beat yourself up for not being there already, or believe that you are the only one in the world who cannot achieve this state, then some more introspection may be necessary. Seek and find ways that resonate with you in positive ways through books, toolkits, or guided meditations that allow you to find your own path. We are each on our own journey, so your experience will be uniquely your own. And above all, enjoy the process!

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