A Vacation from the Ordinary

fd140721vacationfromordinaryA Vacation from the Ordinary
by BlackLion

Whether you are taking a family vacation to an exotic location, camping in the mountains, or simply taking yourself out on a date, remember that wherever you go, you still bring yourself with you. What better feeling than to release yourself from your own limitations? Instead of doing the same things you do at home, like watching TV or puttering around, go find a drum circle and dance or take a leisurely walk in the sunshine, exploring as you go.

It is essential to transform yourself, starting from within. Allow the new scenery to spark creativity and adventure. You can only know what your beliefs let you experience, so being in a new locale will aid in the diffusion of those barriers. Snorkel, swim, or hike to keep your body moving and refresh your senses.

Summer is the time to explore and find new ways of experiencing this magnificent and amazing world. In what ways do you enjoy getting out of your shell and blossoming? As you discover new ways of being and interacting with the world, you’ll enhance the joy in your life. Be thankful for where you are now and you can bring this energy back with you to your daily life.

When you return home, you’ll see the way things have been in a different light. Perhaps add yoga into your daily practice, or go on walks to places that are familiar or to a nearby place you haven’t been before. The sense of adventure from your vacation can be carried within you from now moving forward. This excitement and view that life really is an adventure will enliven and enhance your daily experience. Enjoy!

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