Your Sacred Practice

Your Sacred Practice: 5 Empowering Success Habits You’ll Use Every Day virtual workshop (and by virtual, we mean whenever you’re ready to dive in).

Does this sound familiar?

  • you’ve started your practice many times but then stop when you get “too busy” or “too stressed” and your day-to-day feels like you can’t get a second for yourself.
  • you wish for more peace of mind but you’ve never quite figured out how to get there consistently – and your relationships, work, maybe even your SLEEP are suffering.
  • it feels like you’re the whirling dervish at the center of a constantly-moving storm of activity – like you literally can’t turn your brain off. It’s exhausting.

Is it even possible to live a full modern life with all of its attendant responsibilities, expectations, and challenges while being happy and fulfilled?

You already have a job, partner, kids, aging parents, four-legged babies, a household to run, personal health – and, oh yeah, saving the world. Will a daily spiritual practice really help you find your center and be both more productive and happier?


Not without some work on your part, sure. If prioritizing spiritual practice was a piece of cake, you would have done it already.

But you’re ready to reap the benefits that you put into it, right? The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll feel better. And remember, once it’s a habit, it will feel like brushing your teeth – you always have time for THAT, right? It’s a habit, just a natural part of the morning.

Wouldn’t you like to feel that way about your spiritual practice?

But how?

Let us help. We’ve been there, and done that. Our lives have been transformed by steady, dedicated practice over the last 20 years. Yours can be, too! When you focus regularly on the inner wellspring of love and creativity at your center, that connection uplifts your experience.

You need the tools to create a solid foundation for your spiritual practice, one designed to meet your needs.

In this virtual workshop you’ll learn to:

  • Re-frame your emotional speed bumps, so you can get out of your own way and CHOOSE how you want to feel instead of letting your doubts, bad moods, and fears rule your day.
  • Sync your practice with your home life, learning HOW to make time for a practice, even if you can’t go to the bathroom alone, or have a house full of people – Starcat formed these tools as a homeschooling Mom – she GETS it!
  • Tailor your spiritual activities to your natural bio-rhythms, so you don’t have to lose any precious sleep or time with your loved ones.
  • Ensure that you stick with your practice, with no more feeling like a failure for letting yourself down.
  • And have fun while upgrading your sense of inner calm – so you can live a life where you’re not always in a panic about what’s not getting done.

When you sign up for the workshop, you’ll receive a link to it and can watch and learn at your own pace, anytime.

For the length of time it would take you to watch just one episode of the latest TV drama or Netflix original, you’ll be well on your way to a practice that will help you be a happier, calmer, and more productive person. In your own way, on your own terms.

Get your copy now!