“Why Am I Nervous?”

Why is it that sometimes when you are excited about something, or a new interesting idea crosses your mind, that nervousness sets in? Questions arise about your worthiness of having such thoughts and feelings. In essence, you forget about the reason you had the positive thoughts in the first place and instead begin to focus on all the what-ifs.

Intense feelings are indicators of the way you are thinking about your life. Nervousness is a sign that you are afraid, in some way, of being unworthy or incapable of enjoying this new experience. It is also a very human tendency to be nervous about things that are new and unknown. Simply by being aware that a part of you is attempting to short-circuit your happiness, you have already begun to integrate your new opportunity.

One of the best practices we have found to relieve this nervousness is to focus on the positive ramifications of your new adventure. Be thankful for who you are and that you are now in a place to enjoy your life in new ways. As you allow yourself to become comfortable with the new ideas and the changes they might bring, your nervousness will fade and be transformed into inspiration and enthusiasm. Explore the possibilities!