What Brightens Your Day?

What Brightens Your Day?
by BlackLion

Some of the best things in my life are the events and people that brighten my day, each and every day. I can simply look and I find beauty, love, caring, happiness, creativity, thoughtfulness, inspiration, and just plain fun all around. I often take the time and reflect and enjoy the present moment, just the way it is.

Other times, I have found it quite challenging to even manage a smile. Thankfully, those moments are few and far between. So when I do get stuck in those moments, I simply focus on my breathing and find the love that is always there for me, if I just stop and listen.

My suggestion to you is to take each chance you have in your day and enjoy who you are, where you are, who you are with, what you are doing, and everything else associated with the moment. Perfection isn’t some idyllic, ethereal dream, it is right now. Perfection is in the present, in this moment, in each moment because no matter what, it cannot be different than it is right now. In other words, each moment is perfect. All other moments are perfect as well.

Now, take this perfect moment and feel thankful for it. We are all perfect yet changing beings and we each are living in perfection, in each moment. By taking the time to reflect and enjoy now, your day can be completely filled with things that brighten your mood. In essence, you create your happiness by wanting to be happy. What brightens your day right now?