Three Attempts at a Brief Synopsis of the Universe as a Whole

“Hey Everything! We wanted to write you down!” “Umm…thanks.”

A First Attempt at a Brief Synopsis of the Universe as a Whole
(abridged version)

The universe is big. Really, really big. (Thanks, Douglas Adams, for stating the obvious!) Any attempt to talk or write about the Universe is an impossibility, because it doesn’t take into account the person writing or thinking about it. For in each moment, the universe is continually being created and recreated by every being and every ing. Even at this moment, trying to write about the Universe, we get interrupted by the Universe itself, such as telephones ringing or people talking or having to go to the restroom.

Trying to characterize something as either big or small is not taking into account the vastness or smallness of everything. Describing any ing discounts what it is the moment right after you finish describing it. You could describe every aspect of a particular thing, but it is continually changing.

That is true of trying to describe any thing, any relationship, any person you know or situation that happens; by the time you’re done describing it, it no longer is that thing, or the description you have of the ing is limited. As Robert Anton Wilson said, we are interactive processing all the time.

Describing anything in the Universe without taking the rest of the Universe into account is an exercise in futility. So instead, just experience and act. Act rather than react because by the time you’re done reacting then the situation has changed.

Well then, you may ask, why bother writing about it? Writing is an attempt at expressing your unique experience, so that you can share it with someone else. Writing itself is an experience, as is the experience of reading the written words. Writing is an expression of the Universe through the experience of the writer. All your experiences lead you to who you are right in this moment. Yes, you will change in subsequent moments, but you have still captured the essence of that moment. All writing will thus be incomplete, but it allows the reader to experience the Universe in new ways.


A First Attempt at a Brief Synopsis of the Universe as a Whole
(abridged abridged version)

Wow, the universe is so awesome!


A First Attempt at a Brief Synopsis of the Universe as a Whole
(abridged abridged abridged version)
