That Much-Needed R&R

That Much-Needed R&R
by Starcat

One thing in our lives that many of us don’t get enough of is good old R&R – rest and relaxation. This can mean many things, from a good night’s sleep to self-nurturing to doing things that re-energize you. The thing is, if you want to be at your best and create the life of your dreams, you need to have some down time. Luckily, it’s just a matter of choosing the things that relax you, and making time for them. Easy, right?

What your R&R will look like will depend on your personality and temperament. To perhaps oversimplify things for a moment, if you’re an introvert, you need time alone, and if you’re an extrovert, you need social time with other people. Of course, we’re all a mix of many qualities, so your own balance will be unique to you. Be assured, though, that it is important to spend time alone, resting and perhaps getting some insight into your life, and to also spend time having fun with your family and friends.

Those of us who are entrepreneurs or run our own businesses need to pay particular attention to getting R&R. We might be tempted to work at all hours of the day, especially if that work is also our passion and calling. But (and here’s that word again) balance is crucial for the success of any endeavor. Taking a break will actually help you achieve your goals – when you take down time, the creative parts of your psyche can recharge and come up with even more powerful ideas and solutions.

Right now, stop what you’re doing and brainstorm some ideas for relaxing and recharging this weekend. What are the things that bring you joy and help fill your cup? Here’s my current list: sleep in late, do yoga, read a good book, get out for some fresh air, hang out with my friends around my backyard fire pit, play my drum, watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer with BlackLion and ElvenTiger, write in my journal, and cuddle my cats. Do you have your R&R list? Great. Now choose a couple of things that you can do today. Relax, and enjoy!