Take Care of Yourself

Take Care of Yourself
by BlackLion

We can often find ourselves feeling kind of blah, ick, and ugh, especially if we are focused on getting things done. Work, family, and community can become rather taxing if we do not take the time to take care of ourselves. By making time for ourselves in our often busy schedules, we not only replenish our energies, but become more creative and fulfilled.

Sometimes, taking a catnap when our body feels tired is a great way to refresh and start anew. When our body is recharged, we can focus our energies on what is important to us rather than add even more stress. So why is it necessary to take care of ourselves in the first place? Because no one else can.

We each have our own unique ways of being and, try as we might, what other people do for us cannot take care of all our needs or desires. We have to want to feel good in the first place. When we focus within for the answers to our eternal questions, they will arise when we are most rested.

As eternal beings, we ultimately only have ourselves on this journey. Be at peace with your mind, body, and soul. Pamper yourself in ways that make you feel wonderful. Being in a state of joy is alignment with your inner self. Feeling good is a more direct path to achieving your dreams. Blessed journey!