A Sustainable Foundation

How many hats do you wear in a given day?

Partner, parent, employee or biz owner, housekeeper, friend, caregiver, community member, cat-feeder, dog-walker, volunteer, freaked out world citizen…

It’s exhausting, right?

That exhaustion keeps you mired in stress and frenzy, costing you peace of mind and a sense of joy. Preventing deep connection with your loved ones. Probably even keeping you from getting good sleep. It takes its toll.

Think for a moment about what it would be like to walk through your days with a sense of equanimity and peace, even in the midst of a never-ending to-do list and the whirlwind that is your household.

Imagine how things would be different if instead of starting your day with stress, you were able to take sacred time to be YOU – the one with no hats at all, for whom self-care gets to come FIRST. The eternal self residing deep in your center.

Breathe in that feeling for a moment. Ahh…

You understand the benefits of a daily spiritual practice, of that sacred pause when you get to just BE, and to connect with the vast source of energy and love that is the cosmos.

But somehow it just hasn’t become a sustainable part of your life, a habit that you turn to each day. It’s too hard to keep that commitment. It keeps getting lost in the shuffle.

You wonder how on Earth you’ll ever get there. (Maybe someday, when the kids are grown and you’re retired? Perhaps when you somehow have “more time?”)

If you still haven’t set up your practice, or if you’ve tried and failed, you probably even feel a bit guilty about it. Or you just think that it’s not realistic for you.

You might have even given up by now, because you’re tried it so many times before and it just doesn’t stick.

You’re not alone.

So many people look for support to set up a sustainable spiritual practice. One that feeds your soul and helps you feel better – less stressed, more connected.

Sure, you could DIY it – there are plenty of books and websites that you can use to get started. You’re read the newsletters, and attended the virtual weeks.

But will you actually do it? Have you actually done it? What’s stopped you up until now?

You need consistent support, accountability, and motivation – from someone who’s been where you are and came out the other side, with a foundation of solid spiritual connection. We can help.

We’ll guide you to create a (real-life, do-able!) custom daily spiritual practice – based on what works for YOU. We’ll offer you all the support and accountability you need as you get your practice off the ground.

We’ll be there to catch you when you fall, when your practice slips and you feel out of whack. We’ll hold you, guide you, and help you be accountable – to you.

You’re ready to reap the benefits. You can totally do this. You just need a bit of extra guidance and how-to that’s personalized to fit YOUR life.

Here’s how.

A Sustainable Foundation: Crafting Your Daily Practice.

Your one-month custom coaching package includes:

  • a personalized audio guided meditation that you can use daily for easy-peasy space creation and guidance
  • two 30-minute calls with us where we work directly with you to overcome obstacles and ensure that your new practice becomes a habit
  • email support – including inspired reminders, journaling prompts, and Q&A. Don’t feel alone as you set this up – we’re going to help you every step of the way.

Longing for just this type of hand-holding? Ready to take the leap and actually get connected to your divine wellspring of energy? Not sure yet if it’s right for you?

Get your complimentary Discovery Call with us now, and you’ll be well on the way to a daily spiritual practice that brings you more peace, calm, and productivity – as well as more joy in your daily life!

Book Now!