
Looking for personalized guidance and accountability? Work with us directly and receive personalized coaching, guided meditations, energy work, and more. Apply for a complimentary Discovery Call today to see how we can help!

A Sustainable Foundation: Crafting Your Spiritual Practice

Are you seeking a solid foundation of daily spiritual practice in your hectic hamster-wheel life? When you’re able to regularly connect with the deep wellspring of energy within, you’ll be happier, more productive, and calmer. Have you tried to set up your practice before, but never managed to make it a habit? It’s time for consistent support, accountability, and motivation – from someone who’s been there, done that. We’ll help you get started – and sustain your practice for the long haul. This 1-month custom coaching package will guide you in creating a (real-life, do-able!) custom daily spiritual practice – based on what works for YOU.

Heart of the Goddess Spiritual Mentoring

Are you longing to make the world a better place, if only you could get past your recurring fears and blockages? Know you’re on the verge of a powerful positive transformation, but you’re not sure what to do next? Feel like you’re alone in wanting something more in life than just surviving? Wishing for more creativity, joy, and freedom in your life? Ready to access your inner Feminine Divine and take part in the evolution of human consciousness? This 3-month program is perfect for you.


PolyamoryPolyamory & Peaceful Parenting: Coaching for Alternative Families

Love multiplies. You know this, and your love partnerships reflect the desire for freedom and sovereignty. But how does living a polyamorous lifestyle fit with the world of family and children? Looking for help navigating the often tricky world of living as an alternative family? This package of 3 or 6 private calls will help you get on the path to a more harmonious family life. Let us share our wisdom gained from 20 years as a polyamorous, peaceful parenting, unschooling family.