Recharging Your Spiritual Batteries

Recharging Your Spiritual Batteries
by BlackLion

There will be times in your life when you feel disappointed, frazzled, or overwhelmed. During these phases, remember that you have resources available to you to help you transform your energy and recharge your spiritual batteries. Among the many ways to reinvigorate yourself is to renew your spiritual practice. Take the time to meditate, take a nature walk, relax in a bubble bath, or find other soothing and comforting activities.

The energies that bring about negative feelings are triggers that we have learned over the course of our lives. Rehashing or exploring all these challenging experiences can often keep you trapped in these situations, reliving them again and again. By letting go of control and allowing the flow of your spiritual energy to wash over you, you can allow the infinite energies of the universe to refill your cup.

Toxic feelings breed stress, discomfort, aches, and physical dis-ease. As you nurture yourself, the healing process can continue. Filling your reserves allows you to release these inhibiting worries, doubts, and fears. With continued connection with your divine spiritual energy, these negative energies will reappear less and less often. When you reach the tipping point of uplifting energies, your life will become an inspiration. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the ease and grace with which the universe will support your highest intentions.