Living in Tune with the Seasons

Living in Tune with the Seasons
by Starcat

One practice that I enjoy is noticing how my needs and desires shift with the seasons. Our bodies are in tune with the earth and what’s going on around us, even when we’re part of a modern culture with clocks and electricity and schedules. In late autumn, I notice a winding down of the frenzied energies of harvest-time and a turning toward rest and reflection.

Sunset is happening earlier and earlier, and with that, I notice my body wanting more rest. I’m a night owl in general, and yet these days I’m ready for bed earlier than my normal time. In the evenings, I’m called to restful pursuits like reading or knitting. The foods I crave are warm and hearty, such as soups and casseroles, unlike in summer when salads were a mainstay. My emotional needs change, too, and I’m noticing that I’m enjoying more solitude or quiet family time. My spiritual side wants more unstructured time for introspection and daydreaming.

Have you taken time to notice how your own cycles change as the seasons revolve? Listen within, and see what calls to you. Notice how your routines shift with the weather and the shorter days. Take a look at the balance of active and receptive activities in your daily life. Allowing your natural rhythms to emerge is a lovely way to enhance your connection with nature and the Divine.