PawedCats Podcast

Looking for quick and easy ways to include more soulfulness in your crazy-busy days? Want to up-level your connection to the Feminine Divine in ways that have a powerful impact on your life, but you’re unsure how? Love to hear inspiring ways to create positive change in the world by doing what you LOVE?

We’ve got you covered.

Each episode of the PawedCats Podcast is packed with wisdom, inspiration, and laughter. We chat with spiritual leaders (you know, not the stuffy ones, but the ones who love to dance) about how they stay sane in a topsy-turvy world. We also share guided meditations, mini-rituals for staying connected to your Inner Source, and the occasional Tarot reading. Subscribe now!

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PawedCats Podcast Playlist



Season 6


PawedCats Podcast Ep. 608: The Power of Personal Growth (39:59) (36.6 MB)

Joining us on the PawedCats Podcast is Andrea Parker of The Rejuvenation Grange. We’ll chat about radical play and how to encourage and incorporate more ways to enhance your life and business by staying on the fertile edge. Also, you’ll learn more about your own personal superpowers and how to encourage and practice them every day.


PawedCats Podcast Ep. 607: The Power of Personal Growth (43:52) (34.2 MB)

This time on the PawedCats Podcast, we’ll talk with life coach and author Robyn T. Wiley. Robyn talks about her passion for personal growth, the power of journaling, and how focusing on her authentic self has led her to help others follow their most cherished dreams. She also shares an inspiring tale of taking a leap of faith. Robyn is the author of My Happy Book: A Guided Journal to Light Up Your Life. We’ll also talk about 3 Ways to expand into your True Self even more!


PawedCats Podcast Ep. 606: Surf the Waves of Source (26:07) (24.6 MB)

In this episode, we’ll chat with Book Midwife and lovely Feline Dreamer Nikki Starcat Shields about establishing a creative practice in your life and how to tell your unique story. Plus, we’ll delve into the secrets of how to surf the waves of Source and tap into your true, authentic self and your deepest potential.


PawedCats Podcast Ep. 605: Showing Up Deeply in Your Truth (37:19) (28.7 MB)

Joining us for a juicy conversation is Nova Om of Nova Om – Whole Life Transformation. You’ll discover the power of self-love and honoring who you are, even in the midst of uncomfortable moments. Also, a spring Faerie Tidings to help ring in the new season, with a hint of maple.


PawedCats Podcast Ep. 604: Body, Mind, And Soul Integration (38:20) (31.0 MB)

Our guest this episode is Christina Wester of Radiant Living & Learning. Join us for this fascinating discussion of energy psychology, how to release subconscious programming from early childhood, and the role of your body in transforming your life. Christina talks about how to create new habits of thought and belief, with body-based techniques that support more traditional practices. We’ll also share a creepy cool Dream of the Week.


Episode 603: Practice And Mindfulness (34:04) (27.0 MB)

On this week’s PawedCats Podcast, we talk with yoga teacher and studio owner Sarah Spiegel. She runs Samudra Studio in southern Maine, and also leads international retreats. Sarah shares how to bring more mindfulness and awareness into your daily life and how she learned to develop a practice after recovering from a car accident. She also offers suggestions on getting started – or returning to – a regular yoga practice, and how vital community is to the process of living mindfully in a world full of distractions. Join us and learn simple ways to tap into your inner wisdom and flow!


Episode 602: Reflections in the Mirror (45:21) (35.0 MB)

This week on the PawedCats Podcast, we talk with Julie Genovese of Nothing Short of Joy. She shares her amazing story of transformation from self-shaming to self-claiming. Discover simple ways to bring more self-awareness and self-growth into your daily life, and see that how you view another is a mirror to your own similar perceived inadequacies. Evoke the power of laughter and get rid of your unexamined BS (not what you might think!). Let the Full Super Blue Blood Moon shine her light on your shadows and empower your intentions.


Episode 601: LOA Savvy Practices (33:55) (27.4 MB)

We chat with the delightful Jeannette Maw of Good Vibe Blog to discuss Law of Attraction (LOA) practices you can do regularly to become a better conscious creator. She shares a simple but powerful question you can ask yourself each morning, to get off to a high-vibe start. We also go deeper into the energy of rocks and crystals and the ways they can aid you in your daily practice. Join us and discover fun new ways to manifest your deepest desires!

Season 5


Episode 512: Winter Goddesses (42:14) (31.3 MB)

On this Winter Solstice edition of the PawedCats Podcast, Kimberly Moore of The MotherHouse of the Goddess and The Mystery School of the Goddess talks about the Goddesses of Winter and simple practices to connect with their empowering energies this season. The discussion includes power words, the comforts of hygge, and Goddess oracle readings. Learn more about how “Goddess meets us wherever we are,” as Kimberly puts it, and discover winter practices you can do to empower your New Year! Starcat also has an exciting announcement to share, on the topic of creativity. Listen now!


Episode 511: Money Alchemy (43:23) (32.4 MB)

Ming Chee of The Money Alchemist and Reiki Fur Babies talks with us about the energy of abundance and some simple ways to rev up your own relationship with money, her inspiring story from financial hardship to money manifestation, and magickal healing with fur babies of all stripes, scales, and fins.


Episode 510: Self-Awareness and Self-Acceptance (25:10) (24.8 MB)

When you practice self-awareness and self-acceptance, you become more attuned to your higher self and pave the way for a better future. We’ll also have a media review, this time it’s not a book, wow!


Episode 509: Healing your Ancestral Line (48:41) (34.2 MB)

As we enter the depths of Autumn, the veils between the worlds become thin. We are closer than ever to our beloved dead and all of our ancestors. What does this mean for you? Join us as we welcome Jennifer Moore of Modern Medicine Lady. She’ll share her wisdom about honoring your ancestors, healing ancestral wounds, forgiveness, and more. Jen also has a special bonus for you, and we’ll share a media review of a book for the creative in all of us.


Episode 508: Compassion (24:49) (30.4 MB)

In this episode, learn to embrace compassion (even for those difficult people), release the fears that block you from money and happiness, and set up a mastermind circle in your life to raise all your vibes.


Episode 507: Integration (20:01) (19.7 MB)

In which we pull a Faerie Oracle card for you, discover ways to be consistent, persistent and insistent, and how to integrate spirit to become a whole person.


Episode 506: Summer Practices (24:21) (23.1 MB)

In which we help make a dream come true, discuss our summer spiritual practices, find out that the Universe has our back, and attune with the natural world.


Episode 505: Practice What You Preach (25:04) (24.0 MB)

In which we open up to our inner wisdom, discuss practical nurturing practices, review some fundamental Law of Attraction resources, and enjoy the busy summer season.


Episode 504: Finding Your Tribe (18:23) (17.4 MB)

In which we chat about upcoming summer festivals and concerts, take big leaps, a visit with Percy and our dog friend Aine, and discovering your own vibe tribe.


Episode 503: Releasing Guilt (18:36) (17.6 MB)

In which we walk barefoot on the Earth, get excited about our good vibe coach Jeannette Maw, and share reasons to let go of guilt for a happier life.


Episode 502: Why Getting What You Want is Good for You (18:40) (44.8 MB)

In which the Dalai Lama struggles with meditation, why getting what you want is good for you, and we discuss an awesome and funny series, Grace and Frankie.


Episode 501: Spiritual Practice is Vital (23:34) (56.6 MB)

In which we reintroduce the podcast, explore the vital nature of spiritual practice, go through the portal of creativity, see science and mysticism merge, and hang out with Percy and his purrs.