Learning to Ask for Help

Learning to Ask for Help
by Starcat

Having grown up in New England, I learned to be very self-sufficient and self-contained. I find it challenging to ask for help, particularly the kind of help that is very personal and connected to deep emotions. I am the type of person who willingly gives and helps others who are in need, but when I’m in a crisis, I often just want to be left alone.

The problem with that attitude is that it throws off the balance. I’m denying others the opportunity to help me, and blocking myself from the very aid that the universe is trying to provide, in the form of other people. And the thing is, we are all connected, and it’s arrogant to think that we can take care of our problems all alone.

So I’ve begun reaching out and asking for help, and the universe has been answering. I’ve been craving some coaching and mentoring, some help with my path to making my calling part of my right livelihood. But I can’t currently afford to pay for any such help, so it has seemed unattainable. Today I found not one, but two offers on one of my favorite online groups. The first one was for custom-made affirmations, and the other was for life coaching – and both were being offered for free!

These women, entrepreneurs like me, are doing so in order to build their own skills and businesses. So by letting them help me, I’m also helping them. I’m so thankful that I opened up and asked for help. And I’m grateful for the way things are unfolding. As I receive, I’m also giving. Not only by helping these specific women, but also by becoming more whole and able to give back through my own work. Life is so amazing. It’s important to give, but also remember to receive. And in order to receive, sometimes you just need to reach out and ask.