January Thaw

Hi everyone,

Hope you had a lovely holiday season! This is just a quick update on some of the projects we’re working on and the fun we’re having.

BlackLion is now enjoying his un-jobbing! The one month anniversary of his new self-determined schedule was yesterday. He has some project leads and new book and game ideas. He’ll be doing some traveling soon, to Switzerland! He is also getting back in the groove of writing SOCs (stream of consciousness) for the book.

We’ve been working on the book intermittently. We have done first drafts of over half the subjects we want to cover. We also reorganized our outline to flow more smoothly. We’ll post a more comprehensive book update soon.

Starcat has been elected to the presidency of the EarthTides Pagan Network. She’s also been busy with holiday preparations, and has done some writing on her blog and in various personal journals.

We both took a beekeeping seminar, and are excited to learn to work with the bees this spring. We’ve been reading about organic gardening, too, and look forward to creating a garden together!

BlackLion and Starcat