How We See the World

How We See the World
by BlackLion

As we go about our day, the world seemingly teems with activity and actions that are outside ourselves. Our perceptions, though, are colored by our previous experiences and deeper spiritual knowledge. So, in essence, the moment we interact with the world, we translate, seeing it from our own perspective. Then we can choose to react with joy or anger, or simply acknowledge the event and let it pass, gleaning new insights into who we are and how we interact with the world.

Continuing to gain more insights into how our minds work will help us to recognize the patterns and phases that influence our interpretation of the world. With the aid of meditation, presence, and other awareness techniques, we can enhance our introspection and begin to become aware when our monkey-mind pops up and throws judgments at our moment-by-moment experiences.

Though there is no wrong way to see the world, becoming aware of our unique prejudices and judgments can allow us to let go of past hurts and present fears. Knowing and accepting our feelings for what they are, reactions to the world, we can recognize them as they arise and let them go as easily without creating caustic drains of our energy system. With practice and patience, we can be at ease with ourselves and the world, creating a flow of energy that we can use to further our personal and spiritual dreams.