Feline Dreamers’ Upcoming Appearances

Feline Dreamers’ Upcoming Appearances

Would you like to meet Feline Dreamers in person? Maybe hear some music, have a chat, or perhaps learn some new things in a workshop? Here’s a schedule of our upcoming appearances over the next couple of months. We hope to see you there!

8/29 & 8/30: Cape Cod, MA, Festival of Magic. Join us under the “big top” for a spectacular display of magic sleight of hand, grand illusions, creative artistry, and side-splitting comedy. We’ll be performing with the Dark Follies vaudeville troupe, as Feline Drummers. Come and check out the show! For more information: http://www.capecodmagicfest.com or http://darkfollies.com.

9/2: Portland, ME, Dark Follies at First Friday Art Walk. Follow up your art walk fun with Dark Follies after the Portland First Friday Art Walk. Featuring live drumming (with us as Feline Drummers), dance, sword swallowing, comedy, juggling and fire dancers. These shows are enjoyed by all ages and are free! For more information: http://darkfollies.com.

9/10: Portland, ME, Ritual for Peace. We’ll be helping lead this special commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the events of September 11, 2001. Written by our friend Star Weaver in 2002 in response to the events of 2001, this ritual is designed to focus our energy on things we have in common with all peoples. A first step in creating Peace must be to see all people, both here and abroad, as human. For more information: e-mail starweaver17@yahoo.com.

9/23 & 9/24: Unity, ME, Common Ground Country Fair. Once again we’ll be helping staff the EarthTides Pagan Network booth in the Social & Political Action tent. Starcat will also be doing a shift at the Maine Public Broadcasting Network booth. Stop by and say hello! For more information: http://www.mofga.org/TheFair/tabid/135/Default.aspx

10/8: Old Town, ME, Eastern Maine Pagan Pride Day. We’ll be volunteering and helping staff the informational table, as well as participating in the Harvest Ritual. For more information: http://www.emppa.org/ppd.html

Workshops: To Be Announced. We plan to offer workshops on personal spirituality beginning this fall. Watch this space for more information!