Creativity Abounds

We’re having a very creative autumn here at Feline Dreamers. Our most exciting news is that our 30-Day Core Belief Kit will be released very soon! We’re working on finalizing the guided meditations that will be part of the kit, and our friend Dayna Martin is writing a preface for us. Here’s an excerpt from the kit’s introduction:

“The Core Belief Kit will help you get motivated to create real change. It will inspire you to take action to improve yourself and your life. You’ll build momentum as you travel through this month-long journey. If thirty days seems like a big commitment, well, it is! What better project to commit yourself to than your own growth and happiness?”

The kit will be available electronically, as a downloadable book and 30 days’ worth of guided meditations. We’re also kicking around some ideas for offering individual coaching sessions, to go along with the Core Belief Kit and as a follow-up. We’re tentatively titling our new service “Dream Guides,” which refers to both the dreams and goals people have for their lives, and also to working with your dreams to help support your spiritual work. We’re still working on developing this idea and figuring out the specifics.

We’ll be getting The Book of Ing, the first full-length book we wrote together, ready for publication. In addition to that book, we also have a project called Unschool Spirit, which is about creating a community that applies not only to unschooling as an education focus but also as a wholistic approach to life.

We have plenty to work on this fall and winter, and the creative ideas just keep on coming! We’re very thankful for all the inspiration we’re receiving and creating.