Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure
by BlackLion

As kid, I remember how interesting and exciting the choose-your-own adventure books were to me. I enjoyed skimming through and following all the possible paths to the final destinations. Each path had its own twists and turns and in the end, the outcome was a result of your choices along the way. I did enjoy sometimes looking at the ending and backtracking, trying to find the best path to get to that destination from the beginning of the book.

So how can you translate that into your own life? Well, first, you get to choose your path, the daily thoughts and actions that you perform. As you choose what you want to experience, whether the action feels good or whether it feels bad, you will get what you spend the most time focused upon. You have the choice, every moment of every day, to focus on the thoughts and actions in which you partake. Awesome!

Taking that one step further, the destinations and paths along the way are by design, your design. Do you choose to focus on what you most enjoying doing every day? Or do you focus on the lack of what you want, bemoaning that you don’t have what you really want? Take this life that you have right now and choose your own adventures. And the fun part is, you get to choose your destinations too! So take a quick peek at the back of your book, pick the outcome you most want, and joyfully follow your path.