
Feline Drummers On the Move!

Feline Drummers On the Move!
by Starcat

October has been a busy month for us here at Feline Dreamers. One of the things we’ve been up to is rehearsing for a show. We’re appearing as Feline Drummers, playing our drums …


Feline Dreamers’ Upcoming Appearances

Feline Dreamers’ Upcoming Appearances

Would you like to meet Feline Dreamers in person? Maybe hear some music, have a chat, or perhaps learn some new things in a workshop? Here’s a schedule of our upcoming appearances over the next couple …


Celestial Happenings

Celestial Happenings
by Starcat

Tomorrow is a very special day where I reside, here in the Northern Hemisphere on planet Earth. Not only is it the Winter Solstice (at 6:38pm Eastern Standard Time), but it is also the Full Moon …