Cascade of Transformation

Cascade of Transformation
by BlackLion

Transformations happen all the time. Not only to other people, but within ourselves. Each moment we have the chance to change our world and our lives. We can choose to react to how the world is currently, or to create what we want to experience in our lives by choice.

A transformation is a change from one state to another: our moods, our thoughts, our feelings, our perceptions, our communication, our bodies, etc. When we want a larger transformation, a lot of smaller ones usually have to happen first. To change our lives, we have to first change our perceptions of the situation. Then we need to change how we feel about what is happening. Continuing, we then have to change our thoughts, ideas, and a host of other transformations.

Luckily for us, by starting this cascade of transformation, each subsequent change becomes easier and easier. Like an avalanche of transformation, it takes only a small shift to bring about climactic and life-altering changes. If the transformations you are experiencing are not to your liking, start right now and focus on a change you truly want. Then take the first step. You can change the course of your life by simply wanting to.