Announcing the 30-Day Core Belief Kit

Do you ever feel like you’re ready to fulfill your life’s purpose, if you only knew how? Do you wish you could be more creative, more authentic, and live the life of your dreams? Perhaps it feels like no matter what you try, you seem to circle back around to the same place over and over again. Maybe your core beliefs are in need of a tune-up.

We felt that way ourselves, so we created the 30-Day Core Belief Kit. We didn’t just write it, we’re living it! We first came up with the idea for the kit back in 2007, as we were trying to break out of our own daily habits and learn to live our life’s purpose. As we underwent the process of examining and changing our core beliefs, we created and refined this powerful tool for helping others transform themselves.

What do we mean by core beliefs?

Core beliefs are your deepest, most closely held truths. They are the things that you believe unquestioningly. All your assumptions about reality spring from these beliefs. To truly change your life, you have to not only modify your thoughts, but also remodel your underlying belief structure.

Your core beliefs are the things you have agreed to over the course of your life. Situations, thoughts, and feelings that frustrate or discourage you point to beliefs that are no longer right for you. You wish to consciously change them, but first you need to find the right tools. This is why the Core Belief Kit was created.

excerpt from The 30-Day Core Belief Kit

You desire ways to focus on your inner life, yet want to fit your exploration into your busy schedule. You want to learn to incorporate what you discover about yourself into your daily life. And, above all, you need tools to help you break out of your old patterns. The middle years of your life are a time for exploring who you truly are. You may doubt if you truly can, or even deserve to, live the life of your dreams. We’re here to tell you that you can!

The 30-Day Core Belief Kit will take you through the process of:

  1. self-assessment and discovery,
  2. updating your core beliefs to reflect your deepest desires, and
  3. beginning to use your core beliefs to change your life for the better.

The kit contains an in-depth workbook that allows you to explore, and then change, your fundamental attitudes in ways that resonate with your soul’s purpose. Each day includes a brief reading, a guided audio meditation tailored to that day’s topic, and exercises designed to help you delve deeply into your beliefs. You’ll then be guided through the process of transforming your beliefs so you can begin to fully live your soul’s purpose. The 30-Day Core Belief Kit will help you become strong in your own power, and ready to contribute your unique gifts to the world. And in the process, you’ll free up space for more joy, love, and fun in your daily life. The 30-Day Core Belief Kit is a jolt of energy that will propel you forward, into the life of your dreams! Are you ready? Click here to learn more.