An Extension of All We Are

An Extension of All We Are
by BlackLion

Occasionally, I like to write in my daily journal. I am very thankful for having started the process of putting my thoughts onto paper and I plan to rededicate my efforts to doing my writing daily. I received a transmission from someplace deep inside of me and I listened and found it beautiful! Here is what I heard – a snippet from a few days ago:

“I am really glad to be here and I am so thankful that I am able to share my thoughts with you. I hope my life can be a lesson for all who choose the path of seeker. Then again, we all expand and grow wherever we are. Peace is a way of living – a way of being. By being who you are and honoring yourself and others, you can find the resolutions to every problem, question, and meaning. Thank you for being you. Be thankful that we are all in this beautiful place together. By recognizing our differences and sharing our commonalities, we are each able to understand more about ourselves as well as get a tantalizing peek into the heart and soul of All-That-Is.”