A Wild River Runs Through Us

Yay! We’re done! (the first draft). As of today, we have finished the initial draft of the 34 chapters (unofficial count) of the Book of Ing!

We have now put the ingredients in the bowl, but we haven’t mixed them together or baked them yet. Our next task is to establish the flow of these ideas, so that the giant beautiful cascading waterfall of ideas coming down the mountain doesn’t land in the parking lot. After we refine the flow, then we can focus on water quality (consistency). When all the ingredients are mixed together in proper fashion, we’ll pour them into a mold for baking. Yum, delicious! River cake, our favorite!

Despite our mixed metaphors, we are truly excited about having two birds in the bush…or is it hands in the pudding?

Essentially, we are very happy to have finished all the SOCs (stream of consciousness writings) that we set out to do. Now we edit them together, looking for flow, consistency, quality, and content (to be sure we’ve said all the things we want to say, in a clear way, unlike in this post). And we’ll soon find a publisher who is excited about the project. Woo hoo!

BlackLion and Starcat